Animated launch screen using a GIF in iOS
There was a question on a Slack channel for iOS developers on how to implement an animated launch screen using a GIF image since Apple doesn’t allow GIF images in launch screens. I answered the question with a brief explanation on how it could be implemented and how the user could get the impression that the launch screen is animating. In this blog post, I...
Swipeable collection view cell - a simpler approach
In one of my recent projects, I had to implement a feature where the user could swipe a cell to show a hidden delete button. Since iOS 11, Apple introduced some nice improvements in the UITableView class - specifically a better support for displaying hidden menu items when the user swipes a UITableViewCell. You can implement delegate methods for displaying leading and trailing swipe actions...
A new beginning...
I’ve always wanted to start writing a blog but I somehow never got around to do it. I’ve always rejected that idea in my mind. Maybe it’s because it was a bit out of my comfort zone. I always thought that the ideas and topics that I could write about were not original enough. I think I’ve finally found my way out of my comfort...